Sunday Services
7:30 am Sunday - meeting in person, our early morning service lasts for about 60 minutes. and includes the Anglican liturgy from the ACNA 2019 Book of Common Prayer, sermon, prayers, and Holy Eucharist (Communion).
2:00 pm Sunday - meeting in person and also on Livestream, our main service lasts for about 90 minutes. and includes a blend of traditional and contemporary music, Anglican liturgy, sermon, prayers, and Holy Eucharist (Communion). Children's Sunday School (K-12) also meets during the service.
If you have any questions about our services, please send us a message.
Weekday Services
9:00 am Morning Prayer on Tuesdays and Thursdays - meets in person at a home in Burbank, and lasts for about 60 minutes. It includes the Anglican Daily Office prayers, (both spoken and set to traditional chant melodies), hymns, and time for personal and corporate prayer.
Please click here for schedule and location information.